Welcome to the CUHK Atmospheric Dynamics Group

We are from the Earth System Science Programme at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

We research the dynamics of atmospheric phenomena from severe rainstorms, tropical cyclones, monsoons, El Niño to the impacts of global warming, making use of comprehensive Earth System models at a variety of scales.


  • Prof. Syukuro Manabe: “I really recommend that young people do things that they like”. A Nobel Prize interview with Syukuro Manabe.
  • Congratulations to the Nobel Prize laureates in Physics! A Big thanks to Prof. Syukuro Manabe in the Princeton University for his contributions in laying the foundation of modelling climate change!

  • The dynamical downscaling data for the influence of global warming and urban anthropogenic heat on extreme precipitation in urbanized Pearl River Delta Area is now available in our database! It is open to all public and free to download.
  • The bias-corrected CMIP6 global dataset for dynamical downscaling of the Earth’s historical and future climate (1979–2100) is now available in our database! It is open to all public and free to download.